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Stop Cocaine? Cutting Cords of Attachment Might Help

Stop Cocaine

Stop Cocaine. As part of your support system for recovery, it might help to cut some cords of attachment.

Stop Cocaine? Sessions of RES may help.Stop Cocaine? That can become a lifelong battle. Yet RES can help. Ever hear that “Once you’ve done drugs like cocaine, you think about it every day of your life?”

Might I suggest? That doesn’t have to be true. Terrible problems, like recovery from substance abuse!

These substances can cause a daily struggle for life. But I’ve got the perspective of Rosetree Energy Spirituality (RES). Accordingly. I know that subconscious-level, and energetic, STUFF comes in many varieties.

Since RES specializes in permanent STUFF removal, sometimes I can facilitate sessions that support sobriety.

Stop Cocaine — Important Disclaimer

Rose Rosetree is not a professional recovery specialist. Nor are other RES Experts I’ve trained.

That said, we do have expertise at using the skills of RES to remove STUFF. They include 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®. Plus many other powerful skills for emotional and spiritual growth.

What if you have a friend with a current drug problem?

Please, advise to get professional help from an expert at recovery. And/or join a relevant support group. Support is essential!

Under those circumstances, it might be helpful to supplement that with RES.

What if you stopped cocaine long ago? But you still can’t stop thinking about it?

Then you may find it especially productive to have an RES session or two.

Either way…

Just set up a first appointment and, together we can take it from there. Contact my Appointment Coordinator, Mitch Weber, for scheduling: mitch@rose-rosetree.com.

Joe’s Story. Stop Cocaine and Other Recreational Drugs

“Joe” is an RES client who has been drug free for years. Doesn’t even need to drink alcohol any more. But once his lifestyle involved considerable amounts of casual drug experimentation.

Today, with Joe’s generous permission, I’m going to share some excerpts from one of his RES sessions.

The “Healing Centerpiece” in his session was to have me facilitate cutting a cord of attachment. (Click here for background info on my trademarked method to cut cords of attachment.)

In this Two-Part Series, I’ll lead off with summarizing what was in Joe’s cord of attachment.

Next Part will reveal: Logical consequences, or results, that Joe could reasonably expect. Simply because of our 55-min. RES session.

Background on this RES Session

Joe’s intention for his session was “Make more friends.”

“Ken” was the cordee (or person at the other end of a cord of attachment). No big-deal friendship. Opposite that, Ken was just the acquaintence of a friend. Yet look at the “cord items” below. These had been going through Joe’s aura. Every day of his life! Maybe multiple times!

Furthermore, this was an exceptionally crammed up cord — more than two full pages of cord items. Creating so much recycled distress for Joe.

Until after that cord of attachment was cut. Then? Never again!

Stop Cocaine: Loads of Cord Items

Joe and Ken were in a room together, along with other young adults.

#1. KEN: High on cocaine.

#2. KEN: Feeling lordly, like God’s favorite.

#3. KEN: Observing people as if I’m sitting on God’s throne.

#4. KEN: Deigning to hold an audience with these (human) people who are:

#5. KEN: So insecure;

#6. KEN: Messy, in that annoying way humans have;

#7. KEN: Ignorant of what’s truly important;

#8. KEN: Blind to the spiritual basis of all life.

#9. KEN: When they could just get high and join me.

#10. JOE: Having a kind of radar for this sort of high

#11. JOE: I could pick this guy out of a crowd as the one on cocaine.

#12. JOE: Repulsed by him.

#13. JOE: Yet also weirdly attracted to him.

#14. JOE: I remember what it was like getting high on that drug.

#15. JOE: I miss the buzz.

#16. JOE: Also, I don’t really miss it.

#17. JOE: Except that it feels so alone to be me

#18. JOE: Spiritually alone.

#19. JOE: And socially needing my “real friends.”

#20. JOE: Who are not here

#21. JOE: Because I don’t have real friends with me now.

#22. JOE: I won’t let myself turn bitter over this

#23. JOE: But I do feel so lonely and sad.

In Conclusion?

Oh, we’re not done yet. Turn to Part 2 of this two-part series for the most important info related to that cord of attachment. And vital for helping my client Joe.

The post Stop Cocaine? Cutting Cords of Attachment Might Help appeared first on Rose Rosetree.

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